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Wrox Asp Net Pdf Free Download

The next edition of Professional C#Professional C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0 is available – covering C# 7 (up to C# 7.2), .NET Core 2 (including Span form .NET Core 2.1), ASP.NET Core 2.0, EF Core 2.0, Windows Universal Apps, Xamarin, and more!

Professional C# 7

What's in the book?

Here's the Wrox description from

The professional's guide to C# 7, with expert guidance on the newest features

Professional C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0 provides experienced programmers with the information they need to work effectively with the world's leading programming language. The latest C# update added many new features that help you get more done in less time, and this book is your ideal guide for getting up to speed quickly. C# 7 focuses on data consumption, code simplification, and performance, with new support for local functions, tuple types, record types, pattern matching, non-nullable reference types, immutable types, and better support for variables. Improvements to Visual Studio will bring significant changes to the way C# developers interact with the space, bringing .NET to non-Microsoft platforms and incorporating tools from other platforms like Docker, Gulp, and NPM. Guided by a leading .NET expert and steeped in real-world practicality, this guide is designed to get you up to date and back to work.

With Microsoft speeding up its release cadence while offering more significant improvement with each update, it has never been more important to get a handle on new tools and features quickly. This book is designed to do just that, and more—everything you need to know about C# is right here, in the single-volume resource on every developer's shelf.

  • Tour the many new and enhanced features packed into C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0
  • Learn how the latest Visual Studio update makes developers' jobs easier
  • Streamline your workflow with a new focus on code simplification and performance enhancement
  • Delve into improvements made for localization, networking, diagnostics, deployments, and more

Whether you're entirely new to C# or just transitioning to C# 7, having a solid grasp of the latest features allows you to exploit the language's full functionality to create robust, high -quality apps. Professional C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0 is the one-stop guide to everything you need to know.

Let's get into more detail. The book consists of four major parts 1) the C# programming language including syntax features up to C# 7.2, 2) major class libraries such as Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection, 3) ASP.NET Core including MVC and the Web API, and 4) apps including UWP (Universal Windows Platform) and Xamarin.

Part 1 – The C# Language

The first part covers all the syntax features of C# 7. All the chapters have been updated to C# 7, The new chapter Functional Programming with C# covers tuples, pattern matching, local functions, and more. The chapter Managed and Unmanaged Memory includes C# reference semantics including ref return and ref locals, and also covers the new Span type available with .NET Core 2.1. The chapter Visual Studio 2017 includes coverage of Docker including Visual Studio 2017 features for Docker.

  1. .NET Applications and Tools
  2. Core C#
  3. Objects and Types
  4. Object-Oriented Programming with C#
  5. Generics
  6. Operators and Casts
  7. Arrays
  8. Delegates, Lambdas, and Events
  9. Strings and Regular Expressions
  10. Collections
  11. Special Collections
  12. Language Integrated Query
  13. Functional Programming with C#
  14. Errors and Exceptions
  15. Asynchronous Programming
  16. Reflection, Metadata, and Dynamic Programming
  17. Managed and Unmanaged Memory
  18. Visual Studio 2017

Part 2 – .NET Core and the Windows Runtime

The second part of the book covers important libraries. With chapter 19 you get information about the .NET Standard to create libraries, and learn creating NuGet packages with .NET Core. The chapter Dependency Injection gives an introduction to this important pattern with .NET, and you'll learn about several features offered by Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection. With the Entity Framework Core chapter you get a complete rewrite to all the features of EF Core 2.0.

  1. Libraries, Assemblies, Packages, and NuGet
  2. Dependency Injection
  3. Tasks and Parallel Programming
  4. Files and Streams
  5. Networking
  6. Security
  7. ADO.NET and Transactions
  8. Entity Framework Core
  9. Localization
  10. Testing
  11. Tracing, Logging, and Analytics

For more Libraries, e.g. XML and JSON serialization, as well as Composition (Microsoft Extensibility Framework) see the bonus chapters!

Part 3 – Web Applications and Services

Part 3 covers different aspects of ASP.NET Core – with a foundation of ASP.NET Core followed by ASP.NET Core MVC with the MVC application architecture, including Razor Pages, and the Web API. SignalR was not released when completing the book, but you can get a chapter about SignalR with the downloadable bonus chapters. This bonus chapter will be updated as SignalR matures.

  1. ASP.NET Core
  2. ASP.NET Core MVC
  3. Web API

For more ASP.NET Core, e.g. SignalR and WebHooks, and Bots and Cognitive Services see the bonus chapters!

Part 4 – Apps

Part 4 covers creating desktop applications using the Universal Windows Platform, and mobile applications using Xamarin. If you know creating Windows Forms applications, you can start with chapter 33 to start the world of XAML with Windows Apps. Chapter 34 gives you great information to share as much code as possible between UWP, WPF, and Xamarin. Chapter 37, Xamarin.Forms gives you a kick-start to develop C# apps running on Android and iOS.

  1. Windows Apps
  2. Patterns with XAML Apps
  3. Styling Windows Apps
  4. Advanced Windows Apps
  5. Xamarin.Forms

For more Windows Apps, see the bonus chapters!

Online Bonus Chapters

The printed book contains > 1400 pages. I've written too many pages, that's why 5 chapters are available as a free PDF download. Get the bonus chapters here!

  1. Composition
  2. XML and JSON
  3. SignalR and WebHooks
  4. Bots and Cognitive Services
  5. More Windows Apps Features

Source Code

As with the previous edition, the source code for the book is available on GitHub. The complete source code has been updated to .NET Core 2.1!

Get the book

You can buy the book at

Wrox Press – Paperback

Wrox Press – Ebook – PDF, ePub

Wiley – E-Book with DRM, Paperback, Wiley Online

Amazon – Kindle, Paperback

Of course many more resellers offer the book!

I hope you enjoy my new book!


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